Friday, June 11, 2010

Visiting Weavers' Houses

I would like to show one of our daily tasks.  Today, we visited weavers' houses in Long House. Long House is built by government for poor people in Malaysia.  Some trainees skipped our training session recently.  So, we tried to find the reasons and encourage them to finish training.

Monday, June 7, 2010

NGO Festival At A Nearby Park

Hello! This is Jugo, an intern from Japan. On Saturday, we held a shop at our neighbor park. These are our baskets made from used magazine and made by single mothers.

Those are beautiful!

In the park, about 30 NGOs came and opened shops. One of the organizations sold face painting to raise funds. See Tiger mask and Spider man!

This is the booth of Malaysian environmental conservation group. Many families came to the park and enjoy nature. This park is, actually, a part of jangle!

As Malaysia is developing exponentially, many jangles are destroyed. In our office area, Taman Tun, still jangles exist. So, there are three parks in this area.

I and Ching Ching, director of eH, walk around the park after work almost everyday.

Thanks, Jugo

Sunday, June 6, 2010


This blog is written by eHomemakers interns. We would like to write our daily work, what interns do in Malaysia, and what interns feel in Malaysia.

eHomemakers is a NPO in Malaysia and work for single mothers, disabled women, and financially poor women. eH was formed in 1998 as an informal mothers’ group, ‘Mothers for Mothers’, with a core team of volunteer organizers. Its aim was to help mothers to work @ home to balance home and work life. In 2002, it became a social enterprise with an active e-community and was renamed ‘eHomemakers’. eH is now Malaysia's only community network that promotes working from home, teleworking and the running of SOHO (small office home office) businesses through the use of Information & Communication Technology (ICT). 

The Salaam Wanita project, a component of the eHomemakers community network, was launched in 2002 to empower less fortunate women through an end-to-end poverty alleviation solution based on Fair Trade principles for the goal of self-reliance.

Interns come from several other countries, including U.S., Italy, France, Taiwan, Japan, etc.